How Much Is A Checked Bag On Spirit Airlines?

How Much Is A Checked Bag On Spirit Airlines

Spirit Airline charges for Checked baggage varies on the weight and size. The charges are reflected on the screen while purchasing the baggage allowance. The Checked baggage allowance is not included in the ticket prices and has to be purchased additionally. Spirit Airlines is a low-cost Airline and to maintain the low prices, extra services are add-ons catering to individual requirements. 

Number, size, and weight are limited for the purchased baggage allowance.  Additional prices are levied over standard charges for exceeding the described baggage limits. Keep reading to know the limits and additional fees attached to the limit exceeding bags.

What\’s The Checked Bag Weight Limit For Spirit Airlines?

Checked Bag Weight Limit For Spirit Airlines

Spirit Airlines allows five checked-in bags per individual passenger.  There are special provisions for military personnel. Fee is not levied on Army members\’ bags according to the Spirit Baggage policy. While for civilians the restrictions and charges, both apply.

 Apart from the number of bags, the size and weight limit is also described by the airlines. To purchase the baggage allowance, check what is the checked weight limit for Spirit Airlines. 

How Big Is A Checked Bag For Spirit Airlines?

What’s The Checked Bag Weight Limit For Spirit Airlines?
Spirit Airlines  Baggage Allowance 
StandardWeight Limit40 pounds (18.1Kg)
Size Limit62 linear inches
 ExceptionsWeight Limit100 pounds (45.35 Kg)
Size Limit80 linear inches

Mobility aid devices, Musical instruments, China Wares, ceramics, dry alkaline, and dry rechargeable batteries are items of exceptions. Spirit Airlines allows these heavy and large items within the standard charges. Though the weight and dimensional limit is extended for such exceptions. 

The above table describes the weight and dimensional limits for the standard and exception bags.  The Dimensional or size limit is inclusive of the overall length and width of wheels and handles. 

Cost of Checked Bags Exceeding the Limit 

Bags carrying items that exceed the prescribed standard limit and don\’t fall under the exception category are charged additionally. The fee charged is an addition over the standard charges for one way. 

OverweightAdditional Charges 
18-23 Kg69 dollars 
23-45 Kg99 Dollars 
OversizeAdditional Charges 
63-80 linear inches (158-203 cm)100 Dollars 
Special items over 80 linear inches (203 cm)150 Dollars 

How Strict Is Spirit Airlines With Checked Baggage Size?

Spirit Airlines Checked Baggage policy is quite strict and rigid to ensure passengers’ safety.

Passengers carry items of different shapes, sizes, and necessity. A lot of them could be fragile and perishable, at times certain items like batteries and others are dangerous for aerospace travels. To safely fly and land with such items the Spirit Airlines has a list of protocols for the passengers soon to be flying:

What are Spirit Airlines Checked Baggage Terms and Conditions?

Spirit has laid norms for carrying and transporting the checked bags. Determine yourself how strict is spirit airlines with checked baggage size.

  • The items must be completely wrapped in a strong bag of the determined size limit.
  • Spirit doesn\’t hold any responsibility in case of any damage to the items carried.
  • Passengers need to pre- inform staff about the perishable and fragile items. Otherwise, the items won\’t be boarded on the aircraft.
  • Liability release tag is a must for the checked bags. The tag can be collected from the airport ticket counter. 
  • Operational concerns may lead to denial of certain items.
  • The Spirit staff can open and check the boxes due to safety concerns.
  • Spirit passengers must carry the items before leaving their home. As Spirit does not provide boxes for packing the items.
  • Alcohol and other liquor products must be sealed. The maximum quantity allowed is 5 liters of liquor with alcohol not more than 70 percent. 
  • 20 rechargeable or dry alkaline batteries are allowed as checked baggage items. A total of 20 batteries per passenger is allowed. Every single battery must be packed separately.
  • Dry Ice must be clearly labeled in bold as \” DRY ICE\” or \” CARBON DIOXIDE SOLID\”. The weight allowance for dry ice is maximum 2.5 kgs or 5.5 pounds. 
  • Antlers size capacity is extended to a maximum of120 linear inches including the head and skull.
  • Deflated helium balloons are allowed to be carried.
  • Bodyboards or Wakeboards must fit in the standard size policy of Checked baggage.
  • E-cigarettes and other battery-operated smoking devices are not at all allowed under Spirit baggage policy.
  • Spirit Airlines does not transport Incubators.
  • Canoes,Kayaks, and Boats are not allowed by Spirit Airlines.
  • For Firearms and Ammunition, tags must be marked and kept in the luggage.
  • Ammunitious is not allowed for international destinations.
  • Spirit doesn\’t count spare batteries in checked baggage items\’ list.
  • Sharp equipment must be packed in hard and tough boxes securing the sharp edges.
  • Golfbags and Javelins or poles are exempted from oversize charges but are chargeable under the overweight charges.

What Can I Bring in My Checked Bag Spirit Airlines?

Spirit Baggage policy defines set protocols for certain items,and their respective dimensional limits. With this there are limits to what a passenger can carry in their bags. Check the list of items that you can bring in your checked bag Spirit Airlines. 

  1. Alcohol
  2. Antlers 
  3. Lacrosse Equipments
  4. Hockey and Golf equipment
  5. Javelin and other vaulting pole equipments
  6. Ice 
  7. Household items
  8. Dry Ice 
  9. Balloons and balls ( including various sports balls)
  10. Fishing rod and other essentials 
  11. Firearms and ammunitions
  12. Electronic devices and items 
  13. Electric chainsaws 
  14. Dry Alkaline and Dry Rechargeable batteries 
  15. Fragile items like glass, lenses, chinawares, etc.
  16. Camping Gear
  17. Plastic Containers and boxes 
  18. Bowling and Baseball equipments 
  19. Bodyboards, Wakeboards, kiteboards
  20. Bicycles 
  21. Artistic articles 
  22. Archery and  sporting equipments

Pack Your Bags

This article simplifies the details on how much is checked bags on Spirit Airlines. Passengers can avoid paying some extra bucks in the final cost by packing bags in the standard bag limits. For items in the exception category, online purchase is the best. Spirit states that it offers discounts for online purchases of services like baggage and Wifi that help save some extra bucks. 

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